Meeting WSCS 2016



It is our pleasure and honor to invite you as a prominent sturgeon specialist to attend the International Sturgeon Meeting (2016-ISM). As you are aware of the 2016-ISM events will be held late May – early June 2016 in Krasnodar, Russian Federation.
The programme of 2016-ISM will comprise mini-symposium and special workshop, organized by State Regional Centre for Sturgeon Gene Pool Conservation “Kubanbioresursi”/ Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Region and “Kuban Sturgeon Farming Institute” (“KIO” Ltd.) and supported by the WSCS ( ).
We expect sturgeon experts, major caviar producers and representatives of relevant authorities from many countries, as well as all stakeholders to take part in this event in order to discuss the current status and modern trends of such important issues as rehabilitation and conservation of sturgeon as well as caviar production. We believe this meeting will be successful and fruitful for all the attendees.
In the course of our further business and scientific collaboration, in answer to our previous agreement to discuss prospects of sturgeon broodstock management and enhancement activity and considering the dates of the 2016_ISM we will be pleased to see you in Krasnodar during the period between May, 27th – June 7th 2016.
Your highly valued world expertise on sturgeon related issues makes your participation in the 2016-ISM and collateral discussions of high importance for us as the organizers and very much appreciated.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 2016-ISM in Krasnodar.
Kind regards,
Prof., Dr. Sc. Mikhail Chebanov
Director of State Regional Centre for
Sturgeon Gene Pool Conservation
GBU KK “Kubanbioresursi”
Ministry of Natural Resources
of the Krasnodar Region